Support Initiatives
March 20, 2020

Volunteer to protect human rights in Kashmir

After being elected for a second term in May 2019, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has escalated his party’s oppression of Muslims. 

On August of last year, the Indian government moved to incorporate the semi-autonomous Jammu Kashmir region, which has a Muslim majority. Under the direction of Modi, thousands of troops were deployed to the region (in which military presence was already heavy), internet and communication services were cut off, journalists were stifled, and local politicians were arrested en masse. 

Image: cameroonjb

So far, the world has stayed largely silent about the human rights violation taking place against Kashmiri Muslims. Just last month, President Trump paid his first visit to India since getting elected, and Congress tabled a discussion about a resolution seeking to censure India for its actions. 

The Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) is a federation of non-profit NGO’s and individuals promoting human rights and justice in the region of Kashmir.

Founded in 2000, JKCCS, Jammu is based out of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir and works collaboratively with local actors to promote civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights for the people of Kashmir. 

JKCSS conduct in-depth research into and documentation of human rights issues and abuses in Jammu and Kashmir and function as a litigation group filing complaints on cases of human rights violations. 

The organisation also carries out extensive advocacy efforts on behalf of the Kashmiri population. “JKCCS with its constituent’s campaigns against the phenomenon of enforced disappearances, illegal detentions, torture, extra-judicial executions, sexual violence, unmarked/ mass graves and seeks impartial investigations into all cases of human rights abuses, prosecution of perpetrators and justice/ reparations to the victims of conflict,” the organisation states on its website. 

JKCSS offers volunteer opportunities both on-site and remotely in a wide range of cases.

Please visit their website to access their research, reports, and inquire about their volunteer opportunities.

Call to Action
Volunteer to protect human rights in Kashmir