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July 13, 2019

Mining Injustice Solidarity Network says ‘enough’ to corporate impunity

From Ireland to South America, Canadian mining companies wreak havoc in their exploitation of natural resources. They destroy environmental treasures and ravage the natural habitat of local communities across the world.

Currently, Canadian mining companies constitute more than 75% of mining business worldwide.

The Mining Injustice Solidarity Network (MISN) is a Toronto-based non-profit group of activists that works to resist Canadian mining companies and uplift the communities harmed by their practices. 

Among their various areas of operation, MISN members work to educate the Canadian public about the destruction inflicted by Canadian mining companies both within the country and around the world. 

The group also advocates on behalf of indigenous and local communities whose habitats are threatened and harmed by mining companies, and works to promote their independence in determining what type of extraction and economic activities are authorized to take place on their turf. 

MISN also agitates and protests against corporate impunity and endeavors to bring about legislative changes on the matter. 

In its mission statement, MISN states, “We do not consider the transference of wealth from communities to foreign companies, pollution of natural environments, and persistence of human rights violations a viable model of development or progress. In solidarity with impacted communities, we fight against corporate impunity both abroad and in Canada”.

Please visit MISN’s website to learn about their ongoing campaigns, join their list of ad hoc volunteers, or pledge a donation.

Image credit: Allan Lissner via MISN website.

Call to Action
Mining Injustice Solidarity Network says ‘enough’ to corporate impunity