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March 24, 2020

Let’s not forget about enslaved people during the COVID-19 crisis

Modern-day slavery continues to plague nations and regions across the globe. Human trafficking, sex-trafficking, and forced labour are merely several of the forms through which the ugly institution of slavery persists in the 21st century.

As the global community struggles to contain and overcome the CVOID-19 crisis, it is important to remember those who are most vulnerable on our planet. One such group of people are enslaved individuals. 

Free the Slaves is a non-profit organisation working to end slavery, support individuals and community ravaged by the practice, and promote education and awareness around the issue. The organisation currently operates in Ghana, Haiti, India, Nepal, and the Dominican Republic. 

While Free the Slaves’ operation in most locations had to be halted due to the outbreak of coronavirus, the organisation continues to disseminate health information in villages in Haiti where public gatherings are still permitted and work on individual cases that require support. 

The organisation’s team is also gearing up to face the hardships that will surely erupt in the aftermath of the pandemic, as previous instances of disasters were always followed by a fallout that posed serious challenges to enslaved individuals.  

“Of course, at the moment everyone is understandably focused on their own health, their families, their coworkers and their communities. But thinking ahead, we will need to pull together again to help those in slavery. The socially, politically and economically disadvantaged always suffer worst in a crisis,” wrote Bukeni Waruzi, Free the Slaves’ executive director, in a plea for support. 

Please visit Free the Slaves’ website to read about their projects, learn about ways in which you can support their work, make a donation, or apply for volunteer opportunities

Image: Free the Slaves website. 

Call to Action
Let’s not forget about enslaved people during the COVID-19 crisis