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August 24, 2018

#finishthirst in Pakistan

Pakistan currently grapples with a worsening water crisis, exacerbated by the country’s rough topography, shaky political reality, and global warming. It has been reported that 22 million Pakistanis don’t have access to clean water, 79 million of them haven’t a decent toilet, and that roughly 19,500 children under 5 in the country die every year of diarrhoea (resulting from consumption of dirty water and usage of improper toilets).

WaterAid (an international organization committed to ending thirst across the globe by the year 2030) has launched an exhaustive campaign to provide Pakistanis with clean water, decent toilets, and access to hygiene. The organization supports local communities, government agencies, and service providers by increasing awareness of the importance of maintaining good hygiene and developing sustainable infrastructure that would grant citizens in both urban and remote areas access to water and decent toilets. All the while, WaterAid gives a voice to residents struggling with water shortages and lack of hygiene access by publishing their individual stories on their website, social media, and campaigns.

In order to spread global consciousness of the issue and promote their cause, WaterAid sponsors events across the world (including sporting events and marathons under the hashtag #FinishThirst), organizes both corporate and private engagement campaigns, holds fundraisers, and maintains a robust volunteer team operating in 34 countries.To make a donation, attend an event, start or join a campaign, or volunteer- visit the WaterAid website.

Call to Action
#finishthirst in Pakistan