Support Initiatives

The spread of COVID-19 in Afghanistan has exacerbated an already precarious situation in the country. As the rate of infections continues to rise, Afghans face the multi-faceted threat of a deadly virus, an ongoing military conflict, acute poverty and food insecurity, and an alarmingly weak healthcare infrastructure. 

Afghanaid is a U.K. based non-profit organisation that operates across Afghanistan in order to provide aid to its most vulnerable populations and empower communities.

Founded in 1983, Afghanaid supports hundreds of thousands of Afghans across 4 provinces, employing mostly locals to carry out the work. It mobilises initiatives for sustainable rural development as well as community development, vocational training, infrastructure rehabilitation, and provision of a wide range of basic services including access to potable water, sanitation, and health services. 

Afghanaid places a particular focus on vulnerable communities and women’s rights, working with female heads of households, many of whom raise children on their own and/ or care for elderly, ill, or disabled family members. The organisation works to promote gender equality as well as empower women economically. 

Afghanaid has launched an aid campaign targeting the COVID-19 crisis and the challenges it introduces to communities across Afghanistan.

“With the help of personal protective equipment to ensure their safety and that of the communities we serve, our teams have been adapting our existing work, as well as providing safe work opportunities for vulnerable families, setting up hand-washing stations, distributing hygiene kits for families, providing food support, and disseminating information and advice about Coronavirus, hygiene, and social distancing,” the organisation’s website states. 

Now, Afghanaid is asking for help from anyone who can provide it, wherever they are in the world.

Please visit their website to read about their COVID-19 program, access information about their ongoing aid campaigns in Afghanistan, and learn about ways in which you can help.

Please click here to make a donation or help fundraise for Afghanaid. 

Image: UNAMA News

Call to Action
Aid and empower communities in Afghanistan