Support Initiatives
March 21, 2015

Racism. No way!

tags:#Anti-racism, #anti-racist, #education, #school
by:Deniz Zehra Tavli

The Racism. No way! project aims to assist Australian school communities and education systems to recognise and address racism in the learning environment.

Australia has a unique history that has shaped the diversity of its peoples, their cultures and lifestyles today. Three major contributors to Australia's demographic make-up are a diverse Indigenous population, a British colonial past and extensive immigration from many different countries and cultures. Although the majority of the population are Australian born, more than 75% of Australians identified with an ancestry other than Australian in the 2011 Census. In all, Australians come from over 200 birthplaces which makes the population of about 23 million to one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse populations in the world.

It is no wonder thus that the Racism. No way! Project had to be established since a very early anti-racist and pro-diversity education becomes essential in a state with that many different people. First it began as an initiative in 1998 and was launched two years later by the then Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Sir William Deane. Since then, the work of the project continues to be supported by the expertise of teachers, parents and curriculum officers throughout Australia.

You can support the Racism. No way! Project by donating or contribute via an online pledge.

Call to Action
Racism. No way!