Support Initiatives
September 03, 2020

Break Free From Plastic!

Plastic continues to wreak havoc on the environment and human societies across the globe. And while the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to a reduction in global emissions of CO2, it has also given rise to the proliferation of single-use plastic, thus exacerbating plastic waste.

All the while, gas and oil companies attempt to ward off financial losses due to the decline in profitability of fossil fuel burning by expanding their production of plastic and dumping scrap plastic in various developing nations. 

The #breakfreefromplastic Movement was established in 2016 in order to push for significant reduction in single-use plastic and advocate for large-scale, systemic reforms in production of plastic and management of plastic-related pollution. 

The movement is currently supported by over 8,800 individuals and 1,740 organisations committed to fighting plastic pollution. 

“BFFP member organizations and individuals share the common values of environmental protection and social justice, and work together through a holistic approach in order to bring about systemic change under the #breakfreefromplastic core pillars,” the organisation states on its website. 

BFFP tackles plastic pollution throughout all levels of the value chain, from production to extraction, and focuses on preventing pollution from happening in the first place, rather than searching for palliatives. In order to do so, the movement fights petrochemicals, pushes for corporate accountability, promotes systemic solutions, and builds zero-waste communities. Their campaigns range from policy and legislation advocacy initiatives to projects on college campuses, community building and education efforts, and brand audits. 

“We believe in a world where the land, sky, oceans, and water is home to an abundance of life, not an abundance of plastic, and where the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat is free of toxic by-products of plastic pollution," states BFFP. "In this world the principles of environmental justice, social justice, public health, and human rights lead government policy, not the demands of elites and corporations.” 

Please visit the BFFP website to learn more about the causes and consequences of plastic pollution, join the movement, support its various campaigns, and access their tool kits. BFFP is seeking the support of both individuals and institutions/ organisations.

You may also help amplify their message by sharing information found on their website on your social media platforms, using the hashtag #breakfreefromplastic . 

Image: Marion McM

Call to Action
Break Free From Plastic!