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November 09, 2020

All Mozambicans deserve access to quality healthcare

According to the World Health Organisation, despite significant strides in healthcare provision in Mozambique (primarily due to external investment and the construction of a national health system), inequities in healthcare quality and access persist throughout the nation.

Among the various breakdowns in healthcare in Mozambique are deficiencies in medicine, inadequate facilities, poor treatment of patients, and alarming breaches in confidentiality, particularly in cases involving HIV patients. 

For years, widespread corruption and fear have discouraged many Mozanbicans who have suffered grievances at healthcare facilities around the country to speak up about their experience and seek justice. 

Namati, an NGO working to promote justice by fostering networks of people "who know, use, and shape the laws that affect them", is actively promoting health justice in Mozambique. 

The NGO is establishing a network of grassroots health advocates who address and tackle gaps between policy and practice in the health sector in Mozambique and solidify the accountability of health providers and services in underserved and vulnerable communities across the country. 

It does so by increasing awareness of basic rights and health policies, facilitating communication between communities and health practices in order to report and tackle violations, and addressing specific grievances.

According to the organisation’s website, Namati has helped resolve more than 4,800 health grievances in Mozambique since 2013. A 2019 report by the NGO indicates that the nation has seen a 43 per cent decline in the types of grievances addressed by Namati over a two-year period.  

Namati also engages in extensive policy advocacy efforts by generating reports based on data compiled by the NGO and working closely with health facilities and government bodies in order to implement structural, long-term changes in Mozambique’s healthcare system. 

“Namati played a key role in writing Mozambique’s National Strategy for the Improvement of Quality and Humanization of Health Care and the country’s first national strategy to combat bribery in the health sector,” the organisation states on its website, adding that the Ministry of Health of Mozambique has officially adopted Namati’s approach to conducting health violation assessments in the country. 

Please visit Namati’s website to learn more about its work and access its social media channels.

You may follow this link to make a donation and support their efforts to guarantee fair access to quality health services for all Mozambicans.

Image: Namati website.

Call to Action
All Mozambicans deserve access to quality healthcare