Support Initiatives
mobile hospital
May 02, 2017

A mobile hospital for Syria

tags:#CADUS, #Mobile Hospital, #Syria
by:Ama Lorenz

Destroyed medical infrastructure after five years of civil war, a humanitarian embargo and rising numbers of internally displaced people: this is what the current humanitarian crisis looks like in many parts of Syria.

Immediate medical aid is vital. However, the international community seems to lack the will and any concepts to act in that area.

CADUS is a charitable and independent aid organisation that initiate innovative and sustainable projects focussing on need-based capacity building to help people help themselves.With your help CADUS wants to send a mobile clinic into these war-torned areas. It needs to be mobile in order to provide care also for people outside of urban areas. These are refugees in camps aswell as the often neglected population in remote rural areas.

The clinic furthermore needs to be mobile to be able to react to rapidly changing conditions, be it natural disasters or the necessity of a vaccination campaignin a certain area. A mobile clinic will mean a reduced risk as unlike fixed buildings whose coordinates are known, a moblie clinic can change its location in one day.

The success of this project depends on financial ressources. Every Dollar, every Euro counts!

Call to Action
A mobile hospital for Syria